Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A cold front has come our way.

It is always nice to get a burst of cold air down here in South Florida. With the temperatures being so hot all the time the cold weather is a welcome change. I hope you enjoy it while it lasts. Now if you would take a look a the forecast for the next few days.

Believe it or not weather is news too and when we get pleasant weather such as we have had the past few days everyone is all bundeled up. It is funny to see that down here when the temperatures drop people dress like their up north. I think they over do it. It is just not necessary to wear heavy jackets in 60 degree weather. I mean by the time we reach 12 noon it is up to 70 and people are still in the same heavy jacket. Then around 3pm it goes up to 75 and nobody sheds the jacket. It is funny to see this sort of thing. I wonder how these people would fare somewhere like Minnesota. It wouldn't be a pretty site let me tell you. They would cry up there trust me; I know what cold is and I cried my eyes out when I had to live in those conditions. Well that is why I'm back here at least for now.

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